by Roni Jo Draper, Ph.D BYU education professor BYU has again been ranked as the No. 1 Stone Cold Sober school. That’s cool. Sobriety deserves celebration. BYU has also been ranked as the No. 4 LGBTQ Unfriendliest school. This should give…
By Eli McCann (also published at his blog www.itjustgetsstranger.com ) A few years ago the nation recognized a new phase for my community. They called it “the Mormon Moment.” Suddenly, almost out of nowhere, a number of significant events took…
By Diane Oviatt (a speech given in Berkeley, California Sep, 2014) There are no closed off souls. No one is impervious. Story, unlike anything else, can change the heart. I learned this first hand five years ago this month, when…