LGBT Mormons, Families and Friends Unite to March in Pride Parades Worldwide

(also published at

Join us as we march behind a variety of banners, each with a powerful message of love and support!


(visit for info on marches with Mormon contingents)

Last year more than 300 Mormons marched in the Utah Pride parade behind the banner of Mormons Building Bridges (MBB); in 12 other cities, hundreds of Mormons marched behind a variety of banners, selected by the local LGBT Mormons and allies based upon what they felt was the most fitting message for the demographic of their city and what they believed would be a message comfortable for the greatest number of Mormons. Banner titles included MBB, Mormons for Marriage Equality (M4E), Affirmation – LGBTQ Mormons and Allies, Mormon Allies, or something similar. (To read a variety of stories from 2012 Pride Marches, click here.)

In Washington, DC we marched behind the banner of Mormons for Marriage Equality because the Maryland marriage referendum was coming to a vote and because we knew that many LDS members in the area supported marriage equality. The crowd was deeply moved. I purposely walked on the side near the crowds so as to look as many people in the eye as possible. I saw so many eyes filled with amazement and some with tears as they saw Mormons who loved and supported them. I imagined the Lord Jesus Christ walking through the crowd and looking each person in the eye and seeing their divine nature. It was one of the most spiritual experiences of my life.

This year, hundreds of Mormons will again march in a variety of cities across the globe (Phoenix already did on April 6!). Each city’s banner message is again being determined by the local LGBT Mormons and allies to match the demographic and get the most Mormons out to march.

We are excited to announce that this year there will be two options for marching in the Utah Pride parade – behind the banner of “Mormons for Equality” and “Mormons Building Bridges – Family Reunion.” Affirmation expresses it full support for both groups in the Utah Pride parade and for all the other LGBT Mormon marches with a variety of banner messages worldwide.

The beauty of having two groups in the Utah Pride parade opens the door for even more Mormons to participate based on the message they want to share. I know some who want to march with the bold political message of equality while I know others who want to share the critical message of family acceptance and the need to reunite families. Both of these messages are powerful and greatly needed.

We invite you to join a march in the cities listed on If your city isn’t represented and a Pride parade is in the near future, consider organizing one and send the information to Hugo Salinas to include on the website.

If you will be at the Utah Pride Festival on June 1-2, stop by our LGBT Mormons and Allies booth where all the LDS LGBT groups – Affirmation, BYU USGA, LDS Family Fellowship, Mormons Building Bridges, Mormons for Equality, and Reconciliation – will be working together to share various messages of love and support. If you would like to help with the Utah booth please contact Jamison Manwaring. Affirmation will also have a booth at the Washington, DC Capital Pride Festival on June 9. If you would like to help with this booth please contact James Brinton.

May you and your loved ones experience gratitude and joy as we celebrate our lives as Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, or Transgender individuals including those who may be Questioning their orientation or self-identify as Same-Sex Attracted. God made you and loves you just as you are – now that is something to truly be PROUD of!