This article is an invitation to understand faith transition and visually see what it might look like on the other side. For me, the context in which we approach hard subjects matters. The first half of this article speaks to…
Tonight, I went to a seminar called “Being a Good Latter-day Saint & Supporting God’s LGBTQ Children” a Listen, Learn, & Love production by Richard Ostler. The seminar was a high school auditorium in Mesa Arizona full of Mormons who…
LDS Living recently had an article with excerpts from Tom Christofferson’s book “That We May Be One, A Gay Mormon’s Perspective on Faith and Family.”1 Within LGBTQ+ Mormon circles, Tom’s book is controversial in that he tells his story of…
Recently, I attended my fifth Affirmation Conference. Affirmation is a support group for LGBTQIA Mormons. It is a remarkably diverse space that includes not just inactive/ex-Mormons but active queer Mormons and active allies. It bridges a wide span of both…
Recently we held a fireside at our home. There was no specific topic, speaker or agenda. We simply sent out the invitation and 20-30 people came. Many were our LGBT+ friends who live in the area and a few visitors…
Five years ago, my son was a 13-year-old deacon in our church. He came out on Super Bowl Sunday, 2012. For the year previous to that, my wife and I were very concerned as he was notably going downhill and…