By Meg Abhau (also posted to their family blog http://theabhaus.blogspot.ca/) Do you remember your first stake dance? You are now 14 years old and you can go to your first stake dance. FINALLY! I remember mine. I could not wait to…
By Scott Van Tussenbrook Some of my favorite childhood memories are of times spent at Grandpa Tuss & Grandma Carol’s. They lived in a little two-bedroom house on a third of an acre of property in Bountiful, Utah. Their gigantic…
We’ll Sing and We’ll Shout: Thoughts after Conference I recently read a poem by the poet Rumi that I found quite profound. The poem is an invitation, titled “Come, Come, Whoever you are.” Its message, I feel, is the same…
By Michael Cannon Originally Published at http://zelophehadsdaughters.com 10/17/2013 One man caught on a barbed wire fence One man he resist One man washed on an empty beach One man betrayed with a kiss In the name of love! What more in…
By Sam Wolfe (also published at Affirmation.org) This week could see the resolution of decades of battles over marriage equality in Hawaii. The legislative votes appear sufficient for passage of the Hawaii Marriage Equality Act, and the governor is poised…
By D Christian Harrison As a devout Mormon who is also an out gay man, I occasionally get letters from people looking for insight, validation, or a simple sounding board. So I wasn’t surprised when, a few days ago —…
By Doree Burt I hesitate to share this because I don’t want it to sound braggy, please know that is not my intention. But maybe it will help us all find our feet again and remember that there is still…
By Chris This letter was originally published in Craigslist, and is re-published here with the author’s permission. Dear 21-year old RM BYU Mormon Me, Surprise! I know, it’s hard to believe that I can communicate with you from the future,…